Fazolis Rewards

by PunchhTech

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Guadagna punti con ogni acquisto!

Welcome to Fazolis Rewards! We hope you will love our app as much as you love our breadsticks! Our app makes getting your Fazolis - and your offers- even simpler, no matter where you are.nnReasons to love the Fazolis Rewards Appn• Earn one point for every dollar spent in the restaurant or online (excluding tax and gift card purchases)n• Redeem points on your Fazolis favorites starting at 25 points. The only hard part is choosing what to redeem! n• Find a Fazolis near you, order ahead and skip the line with Pronto Pickup directly through the app. You can even redeem offers through online ordering!n• Receive exclusive offers and get the latest Fazolis news. After you register make sure you turn on your notifications.nnValid at participating locations. Learn more at fazolis.com/rewards n(hyperlink: http://www.fazolis.com/rewards)